Mano Po Gesture: Filipinos’ Way of Respecting The Elders

To show respect to the older people—grandparents, parents, godparents, friends of parents, friend’s parents, aunts, uncles, and to other old people who are usually above 60 years old and close to the heart of the young, ‘pagmamano’ should be done. It is also a way of asking for blessings. Pagmamano (Mano) One must stand first in front of the older person, say “mano po”, then with the right hand of the doer, hold the right hand of the older one (as if ushering a female), and the doer should gently put the dorsal part of the older one’s hand on same doer’s forehead. Bow if the older is shorter, in sitting or lying position, or if needed. As soon as it touches the forehead, the hand of the older person can already be released gently, … Continue reading Mano Po Gesture: Filipinos’ Way of Respecting The Elders